Sunday, November 1, 2015

November Currently

It's November and I'm linking up with Farley from Oh Boy 4th Grade!
Listening: I'm typing with the TV in the background.  I'm listening to the Cowboys/Seahawks game while my husband is actually in the stands watching the game!  So glad he had the opportunity to go.
Loving:  So today is Daylights Savings Time.  I, of course, did not sleep an extra hour, as I woke up at 5 o'clock this morning! Instead, I had an extra hour of time to "get things done!" Now I'm watching the clock looking forward to bed time!!!
Thinking: Wow! Time is flying this year!- We have six weeks before Christmas Break.
Wanting:  I so want to take a girls trip.  Christmas is just around the corner, so a girl's shopping trip would be lots of fun!
Needing:  My wrists and fingers have really been hurting as of lately. I'm putting visiting a doctor off for fear of surgery!  I'm self-diagnosing of course, but it could also be age's best friend, arthritis!-
Yummy: With Thanksgiving in mind, I would love to try some yummy Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie.-  My sister makes an amazing cheesecake, I may have to throw some hints her to add some pumpkin yumminess!
Don't forget to stop by Oh Boy 4th Grade and link up your November Currently.
Have a blessed week!


  1. I also enjoyed the extra "hour" today. The only thing I don't like is it gets dark earlier. I hope you have a wonderful week!


  2. That extra hour is making my day feel like it is dragging by! That pumpkin cheesecake sounds amazing, I love anything pumpkin.

  3. I need a girls trip too!!! Some girls from college we are doing a Baby Shower weekend in a couple of weeks I am excited about. Its as close to a girls trip I can get these days!

  4. I do not feel like I have an extra house because I want to go to bed early! I just love football. This NY girl loves her NY teams. I love pumpkin anything this time of year! Is it really just 6 weeks until Christmas? That seems so wrong!

    1. Well, I mean school know how we think, in terms of school! LOL Thanks for stopping by.
      -Fairway to Fourth Grade
