Monday, September 7, 2015

September Currently

Happy Labor Day! Today I am linking up with Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade  Currently September!

Listening: We slept in this morning! Yay! I'm ticking away on the computer and my little guy is right next to me playing with his superheroes!  I had my son later in life, so to see how he is developing just amazes me!  Like most three year olds, his imagination is flourishing!
Loving:  I am totally enjoying this three day weekend!  We celebrated my niece's wedding on Saturday, enjoyed our Sunday at home, and an extra day is so nice!
Thinking: How will I make today a productive day?  Loving this extra day, so I want to make sure I use it wisely. 
Wanting: I want a huge iced Diet Coke from Sonic!  I am truly addicted to Diet Cokes.  I know the aspartame is horrible for you, but they taste so good!  Last year I managed to go about ten weeks without a Diet Coke, and then summer came!  I'm trying folks, but it will take time!
Needing: I need a mani and pedi!  (That sums it up!)
3 Goals: I ordered the 21 Day Fix last week.  I am going to attempt to eat better, and with that cooking at home more is also a goal!  I'm not a big cook, but I do realize that it's better for our family and the checkbook!  My third goal is to dedicate some daily "Me Time"  I'm not talking about workout time, that's work! Ha Ha!- I'm talking about taking 15 minutes a day to just focus on me! Whether that involves a 15 minute nap, 15 minutes on the porch reading a book, or 15 minutes of sitting in silence, we all deserve a little down time. 
Thanks for stopping by, and don't forget to link up your Currently September  with Oh' Boy 4th Grade.
See you soon!


  1. Hi Vicky! I love your class photos! Did you make the reading skills posters?

    I also agree with the loving the three day weekend for your Currently September. I am too!

    Continue to enjoy your weekend! Happy teaching and blogging!

    1. Thank you for stopping by!- I love the reading skills posters, they're created by Amy Groesbeck on TPT. I've had them now for two years and have been well used. Have a great year!
      -Fairway to Fourth Grade

  2. Hi Vicky! I enjoyed reading your Currently post. I also teach fourth grade. I understand about wanting to cook more. When I'm off track I cook almost every day, and I love it! When I'm teaching it's another story, though. I hope you have a terrific year! Carol's Teaching Garden

  3. Thank You! I look forward to visiting your blog too. Have a great year!
    -Fairway to Fourth Grade
