Sunday, November 16, 2014

I'm Thankful, Indeed!

It's November! My how time flies.  As I sit here and reflect on the past twelve weeks of school, I am truly thankful for my wonderful fourth grade friends/co-workers.  They have been such a blessing.  It has been such an eye opening transition to teach fourth grade.  I definitely see the direct connection to everything we taught in first grade, and at times think...."Oh, I could've ...!" It's been a real challenge to learn the new curriculum and standards. It's an ongoing process.  I've begun to take notes on those things I will and won't do next year.  There are even times, I just wish I could start all over again! You know, "If I knew then, what I know know!" Ever feel that way? Although I can't travel back twelve weeks, I can make some adjustments.
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for change. It has helped me to become a better teacher. It has allowed me to see things from a different perspective, and change has given me new friendships.  I'm thankful, indeed!