Monday, August 10, 2015

Working in My Classroom and Monday Made It Link Up

Well, I couldn't resist! As soon as we got home from a fun and quick trip to Shreveport, LA, I had to go to school!  I didn't do a whole lot, mostly sat and stared at the room! You know! We all do it.
Our school hosted summer school so we had to pack our rooms up at the end of the year.  Then the cleaning crew came in and cleaned our building just last's like starting at square one, as far as class arrangement goes!  This may sound like a "bad" thing, but in all honesty, it's a great thing!- I've learned, change is good! We "officially" report back to work on Friday, so I have all week to prep the room.
This is how it looked when I walked in.....
Yes, a lot of work to do, but all with smiles!!!!
Moving on to linking up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made It!!! I had a short week at home, so I only made a few computer projects that I want to share with you today...
I love the chalkboard feel.  I pintrested some favorite chalkboard fonts, downloaded, and created these encouraging signs.  You will recognize the first three.  I tweaked them a little from Kathryn Stockett's  The Help.  I love these three little phrases because they hold so much meaning!  The last one is a fabulous request and powerful message our principal passed on to us.  She proposed we use the phrase "You Matter" and make it a prominent daily message for our kiddos! -Great idea!
  Here is a closer look at them...
I created them to fit an 8"x10" photo frame. 
The second quick project I made was an AR Reader Level Sign for my students to refer to when they check out a book from our classroom library.  I matched the book level colors to our school library and made corresponding labels for the book bins that hold my chapter books.  I also created this one to fit into an 8"x10" standing photo frame.
Okay, so can you tell I was PHOTO FRAME HAPPY this week?  I couldn't resist; I found them on sale!  I created this little sign to fit a 5"x7" standing photo frame. We use the hand sanitizer system of Restroom Passes. Also, the kiddos have to sign out when they leave.  We started having them write the time, as we had unusually frequent restroom breakers. (Imagine that?)  Of course, after they started writing their times down, the frequency decreased! 
We will continue with the Sign Out log this year.
Don't forget to hop on over to 4th Grade Frolics to check out all the awesome Monday Make It Linkers.~ I'm now headed out the door to work on my classroom.  Have an awesome and blessed week!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday Made It Link Up

Happy Monday All!  I'm glad to be linking up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made It!
I have three Made Its to share with you today....
I've seen these on Pintrest, and thought... I can do that!  Since I only teach Reading/ELA, and Social Studies, I made four objective boards out of 12"x12" frames.  I tried to pick scrapbook paper that would match my class color theme.  I can't wait to see them up!
I went to Lowe's Home Improvement store the other day with my husband, and ran into these awesomely cute quart size paint cans!  I didn't even know they sold these! They also have gallon size!
So I brought three cans home and mod podged fabric onto them....

I'm not quite sure what supplies I'll put in them, but I figured I'd make some cute labels and mod podge those onto them as well....I'm thinking maybe something like this....
What do you think? Any suggestions for filling them?
The third Made It is a Job Board.  I didn't really have assigned jobs for my students last year.  I only used Table Captains, but I knew I needed to add some this year.  So in keeping with my class color theme.....
 Here's a closer look at it....
I'm planning on posting it behind the entrance classroom door because it is magnetic.  The students names will be on a circle shape label.  I see two classes of kiddos a day, so the left side will be designated for one class and the right side for the other. If you like it, I've posted it in my TPT shop.  Click here to see it.
Time is ticking away, but I'm excited because I still have one last summer trip to make before I head back to school next week! Don't forget to check out all the wonderful bloggers and link up with  4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made It!

Oh, and don't forget about TPT's Back to School Sale....(Remember to use Promo Code BTS15)!

Have a blessed week!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

August Currently

Can you believe it's August? I'm officially counting down now! As of today, 11 days of "summer" left! I will go back a couple of days early but in the meantime....I'm linking up with Oh Boy Fourth Grade for the monthly Currently....
Listening: The T.V. is turned on in the background with re-runs of "The Big Bang Theory." I love that show!
Loving: I am loving all the family get togethers we've had this summer!  Aside from barbecues and pool parties, I've also attended wedding and baby showers.  Those are the times when you see folks you haven't seen in a while.  It's nice seeing everyone and catching up.  (It also makes you feel old when your nieces are getting married and having children of their own! )
Thinking: I need a haircut and color!  At the beginning of the summer I went in and had my hair "chopped" off!  I don't have very long hair, but these hot days drive me insane!  The shorter, the cooler!  It's been weeks, and my "natural gray highlights" are staring at me in the mirror!  Where did all these gray strands of hair come from? I mean really, how do they get there? It's not like one or two slowly grow out, it's a colony of gray hair...poof...and it just happens overnight, literally!
Wanting: Oh, I love COFFEE! I would love a venti coffee Frappuccino from Starbucks right about now! I guess it will have to wait until tomorrow, otherwise, I'll be up past midnight, and I love my sleep!

Needing: I need to pack for my last summer trip.  We head out Tuesday, but I'm barely on wash load number 3! I dislike packing, but I'm glad we'll get a quick mommy and daddy trip in before my summer comes to an end!

B2S RAK: I think this is a really great idea!  Two years ago, I baked cupcakes for my entire school family during Teacher Appreciation Week.  I made chocolate w/ chocolate icing, devils' food cake w/ cream cheese icing, strawberry cake w/ strawberry icing, and lemon cake w/ lemon icing!  I'm not a big cook nor baker, but they turned out great!- This year I can start of the year with a sweet treat for my school family! I'm blessed to work with a wonderful group of people!

Don't forget to hop on over to Oh Boy Fourth Grade to link up your August Currently!